Are you ready for a Detox?

Curious if you are ready for a detox? Over the next four weeks, we will be embarking on a “Detox Your Life Challenge” because EVERYBODY loves a challenge. This is a four-week journey to reset and align your life. Each week focuses on a key area: clean out inflammatory foods, optimize your sleep, detox and declutter your home, and release relationships that no longer support your growth. The intention is to transform your life one step at a time with the support of a Registered Dietitian and Holistic and Integrative Health and Wellness Coach. First, let’s assess where you are now so we can get a pulse on how much you NEED this journey, which will also help to support your level of motivation to create lasting change in your life! Check out the following questions and see if YOU need a detox….

  • Do you often feel disorganized?

  • Are you easily distracted? Any memory issues?

  • Do you "break a sweat" less than twice/week?

  • Do you have difficulty falling or staying asleep?

  • Do you eat out more than 3 times/week?

  • Do you crave sugar/sweet or salty foods?

  • Do you consume greater than 4 alcoholic drinks/wk?

  • Do you smoke cigarettes or experience secondhand smoke (from any source)?

  • Do you have a high stress job?

  • Do you have a high stress personal life?

  • Do you tend to focus on what is "wrong" vs. what is "right" about self, life, relationships?

  • Do your thoughts loop and sometimes get stuck?

  • Do you feel like your self-esteem could improve?

  • Do you experience joy infrequently?

  • Do you have difficulty relaxing?

  • Do you frequently experience constipation, bloating, diarrhea, heartburn, other digestive discomfort?

  • Do you avoid whole food groups?

  • Do you set aside time for personal self-care, or do you find yourself "too busy"?

  • Could your energy level stand to improve?

How many questions did you answer yes to? Now that you have determined it would be beneficial to your mental and physical health and create new ways of nourishing your body and mind, consider the following:

  • In what area(s) are you seeking a breakthrough?

  • What has been holding you back up to this point?

  • Why are you going to be successful this time?

If you want to feel happier, healthier and have more energy, define what motivates you to want to change and look at them every day! Journal your progress -- Studies show that people who journal are twice as successful in achieving their goals. Being able to see your progress is a great motivator that will keep you on track and headed in the right direction!

  • In addition to answering the above questions, contemplate and journal your top 3 personal and health goals for this journey!

Are you ready to create a mind, body and life that is well and whole? Check out our next blog on the Nutrition Detox and get your journey started!